Getting Your Invoicing Right


We’ve seen so many different styles and types of invoices so here we share our top 10 tips to ensure your invoices are clear and contain all the right information you should need;

  1. Seems obvious but always include an invoice date - you’d be surprised by how many that don’t

  2. Include your payment method either on the invoice or on the email containing the invoice if sending via a cloud accounting platform, I.e. can they pay by bank transfer or is there a credit card facility embedded in the email if you are using a point of sale gateway system

  3. Include the name of the business and the registered office and registration number if a limited company or LLP, as well as the business correspondence address

  4. Include your payment terms so it’s really clear to your customer when payment is due on the main invoice

  5. If you are VAT registered always include the VAT number - so many people include VAT and it’s not even clear that they are VAT registered so make the VAT amount charged and registration number really obvious

  6. Include the detail of the service provided wherever applicable, and if it relates to a specific date or month make sure it’s clear on the invoice

  7. Include a unique invoice number so that every invoice you raise has a different number to the next

  8. Include your contact details, or those of the accounts department, to make it really easy for the person paying to make contact if they have a question

  9. Agree from the outset whether a PO number is needed by your customer. If this is omitted and it is needed it will just delay payment. Make sure the PO number, if relevant, is always included on the invoice

  10. Always look for a marketing opportunity. Perhaps ask for a testimonial or review following a service or make reference to a certain page on your website, and always make sure the logo of your business is present on the invoice

…and one bonus tip!!


Always send your invoice out on time.

There is nothing worse than an invoice that arrives way after the service or product has been delivered, when cashflow may have been diminished or it may have been forgotten about.

For more tips on getting paid on time you can read our previous blog here.

FUSE is an independent Chartered Certified firm of accountants and tax advisors based in Highgate Village, North London. We provide a dynamic range of services to clients working in property, media, entertainment, and professional services. Our clients vary in size from self-employed sole traders, small enterprises and medium-sized businesses. We believe that comprehensive financial planning and sound business financial advice are the keys to growth and profitability.